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Naomi Hosoda, Ph.D.

   Associate Professor
   School of Global Humanities and Social Sciences, Nagasaki University
   1-14 Bunkyomachi, Nagasaki, 852-8521 JAPAN
   E-mail: hosoda[at]nagasaki-u.ac.jp

Current Research Topics

  • Migrant Workers in the Arab Gulf States
  • Community-based Resilience against Natural Disasters in the Philippines
  • Anthropological Studies on Filipino Migration
  • Family and Kinship Systems in Southeast Asia
  • Migrant Societies in Dubai
  • Foreign Nurses and Caregivers in Japan

Major Publications in English

2023 Children of Skilled Overseas Filipino Workers in the United Arab Emirates and Their Versions of Citizenship. In Kyoko Matsukawa, Akiko Watanabe, Zahra R. Babar, eds., Transnational Generations in the Arab Gulf States and Beyond (Gulf Studies Series, volume 10), pp. 105-121. Singapore: Springer Singapore. 2023.12.01
2023 Book Review: The Filipino migration experience: global agents of change By Mina Roces. International Journal of Asian Studies (2023), 1-3. 2023.1.11
2020 Countering Abuse Against Philippine Migrant Workers. 2020.4.7
2020 Preventing Abuses against Filipino Migrant Domestic Workers. East Asia Forum: Economics, Politics and Public Policy in East Asia and the Pacific. 2020.4.2
2019 Asian Migrant Workers in the Arab Gulf States: The Growing Foreign Population and Their Lives. Leiden and Boston: Brill. (co-edited with Masako Ishii, Masaki Matsuo, Koji Horinuki) 2019.11.28
2019 Socioeconomic Spaces and Migrants’ Lives in the Arab Gulf States. In Masako Ishii, Naomi Hosoda, Masaki Matsuo, Koji Horinuki, eds., Asian Migrant Workers in the Arab Gulf States: The Growing Foreign Population and Their Lives, pp. 1-20. Leiden and Boston: Brill. (co-authored with Masaki Matsuo, Koji Horinuki, Masako Ishii) 2019.11.28
2019 Survival Strategies and Migrant Communities in the Arab Gulf States: A Case of Filipino Workers in the UAE. In Masako Ishii, Naomi Hosoda, Masaki Matsuo, Koji Horinuki, eds., Asian Migrant Workers in the Arab Gulf States: The Growing Foreign Population and Their Lives, pp. 172-193. Leiden and Boston: Brill. 2019.11.28
2019 Education, Career, and the Future of Middle-Class Asian Children. In Masako Ishii, Naomi Hosoda, Masaki Matsuo, Koji Horinuki, eds., Asian Migrant Workers in the Arab Gulf States: The Growing Foreign Population and Their Lives, pp. 250-259. Leiden and Boston: Brill. (co-authored with Kyoko Matsukawa) 2019.11.28
2019 International Labour Migration in the Middle East and Asia: Issues of Inclusion and Exclusion. Singapore: Springer. (Co-edited with Lian Kwen Fee and Masako Ishii)
2019 “Introduction: Migrants in the Middle East and Asia”. In Lian K. F., N. Hosoda and M. Ishii, eds., International Labour Migration in the Middle East and Asia: Issues of Inclusion and Exclusion, pp. 1-11. Singapore: Springer. (Co-authored with Lian Kwen Fee and Masako Ishii)
2019 “‘This is our home, but we cannot stay here forever’: Second-Generation Asian Youths in Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates”. In Lian K. F., N. Hosoda and M. Ishii, eds., International Labour Migration in the Middle East and Asia: Issues of Inclusion and Exclusion, pp. 75-95. Singapore: Springer. (Co-authored with Kyoko Matsukawa)
2016 Middle Class Filipinos and the Formation of Diasporic National Communities in the United Arab Emirates. In Kwen Fee Lian, Mizanur Rahman, Yabit Bin Alas (eds.), International Migration in Southeast Asia: Continuities and Discontinuities, Heidelberg and Singapore: Springer, pp. 39-56.
2015 Transforming Intimate Spheres and Incorporating New Power Relationships: Religious Conversions of Filipino Workers in the United Arab Emirates. In Khatharya Um and Sofia Gaspar (eds.), Southeast Asian Migration: People on the Move in Search of Work, Refuge and Belonging, Brighton: Sussex Academic Press, pp. 92-113. (Co-author: Dr. Akiko Watanabe)
2015 2008:“ Open City” and a New Wave of Filipino Migration to the Middle East. In Eric Tagliacozzo, Helen F. Siu, and Peter C. Perdue (eds.), Asia Inside Out: Changing Times,Cambridge: Harvard University Press, pp.281-303. (Jan. 2015)
2014 Creating a ‘New Home’ Away from Home: Religious Conversions of Filipina Domestic Workers in Dubai and Doha. In Bina Fernandez and Marina de Regt (eds.), Migrant Domestic Workers in the Middle East,New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.117-139. (Co-author: Dr. Akiko Watanabe), (Dec. 2014)
2014 Community-based Disaster Resilience? : Sustainability in Typhoon-affected Areas in the Philippines ,The Proceedings of the 5th Joint Symposium between Chiang Mai University and Kagawa University,pp.228-229
2013 Kababayan Solidarity? Filipino Communities and Class Relations in United Arab Emirates Cities, Journal of Arabian Studies: Arabia, the Gulf, and the Red Sea 3(1): 18-35. (Jun. 2013)
2012 "The Sense of Pamilya among Samarnons in the Philippines". In Yoko Hayami, Junko Koizumi, Chalidaporn Songsampan and Ratana Tosakul (eds.), The Family in Flux in Southeast Asia: Institution, Ideology, Practice, pp. 365-386. Kyoto and Chiang Mai: Kyoto University Press and Silkworm Books.
2012 "International Migration of Healthcare Workers: Social Impact of the Outflow of Nurses on Philippine Society" Program and Abstracts for the Fourth Kagawa University-Chiang Mai University Joint Symposium 2012: "Healthy Aging and Sustainable Society", p. 20. Kagawa: Kagawa University
2011 "Border Control and Filipino Expatriates Pursing 'Dubai Dream'"In Naomi Hosoda,Masako Ishii,Akiko Watanabe,Koji Horinuki (eds.) 2011 A Report on FilipinoDiasporas in an Open City in the Gulf States pp.37-49
2010 International student movements at country and institutional levels - with special focus on CMU and KU- ,The Proceedings of the 3rd Joint Symposium between Chiang Mai University and Kagawa University,pp.88-89 (Co-authors: Lrong Lim; Toru Takamizu; Mika Shioi; and Ai Shoraku)
2009 Sharing of Food and Relatedness within and beyond the Border: Case from Samar, Philippines. The Making of East Asia: From Both Macro and Micro Perspectives (Proceedings of International Symposium of the JSPS-NRCT Core University Program, Project 8: Changing “Families” Vol.2), pp. 48-59. Kyoto: CSEAS, Kyoto University.
2008 Connected through “Luck”: Samarnon Migrants in Metro Manila and the Home Village. Philippine Studies 56(3): 313-44.
2008 Towards a Cultural Interpretation of Migration in the Philippines: Focusing on Value-Rationality and Capitalism. Afrasia Working Paper Series 34: 1-23.
2007 The Social Process of Internal Migration in the Philippines: A Case of Visayan Migrants in Manila. Afrasia Working Paper Series 26: 1-35.
2006 Bringing Home ‘Luck’: Socio-cultural Dimensions of Migration from Samar Island, Philippines. In J. Maruyama et al. (eds.), Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries and Re-visioning Area Studies: Perspectives from Asia and Afrrica (Proceedings of Kyoto Symposium 2006), Kyoto: ASAFAS & CSEAS, Kyoto University, pp. 63-71.
1996 Filipino Women in the Japanese Entertainment Industry. In J. Lele and W. Tettey (eds.), Asia: Who Pays for Growth?, Aldershot UK and Brookfield USA: Dartmouth Publishing, pp.163-177.

Major Academic Presentation in English

2024.3.9 Lives of Filipino Long-term Residents: Multiple Boundaries and Intersections. International Workshop on Filipinos in the UAE. Dubai: Rove City Center
2024.3.9 The Rise of Filipino Entrepreneurship in the UAE: Hidden Agenda of OFWs or by Chance? International Workshop on Filipinos in the UAE. Dubai: Rove Deira City Center.
2022.11.27 Localities,‘Citizenship', and Coping Strategies of OFW Children Raised in UAE Cities, The 5th Philippine Studies Conference in Japan, The University of Tokyo.
2022.11.6 Children of Skilled Overseas Filipino Workers in the UAE and their Version of ‘Citizenship’, International Workshop on Migration and Citizenship Quests: Transnational Generations in the Gulf and Beyond, Kyoto University.
2021.2.3 “Living in Multiple Boundaries: Migrant Workers in the Arab Gulf”, Comparative Muslim Societies Program Seminar, The Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies, Cornell University.
2020.11.19 “Transnationalism and Intersectionality: Views and Experiences of Second-Generation Filipino Youth in UAE Cities”, The 5th Annual International Conference of the Gulf Studies Center, Qatar University, Qatar.
2019.1.7 “Migrant Workers and the Gulf: Lives in Temporary Integration,” Workshop on “Twin Seas: The Persian Gulf and the Red Sea,” (Cornell's University Medical Center, Doha, Qatar).
2016.7.2-3 “Identity and Future Prospects among Second-Generation Asian Youth in the Arab Gulf States”, The 20th Asian Studies Conference Japan (International Christian University) (co-authored with Kyoko Matsukawa)
2015. 12. 13 “Overseas Filipinos: Retired and Back Home” Southeast Asian Studies in Asia 2015 Conference (Kyoto International Conference Center, Japan)
2015. 6. 23 “Middle-class Filipinos in Voluntary Associations and their Diasporic Identity in the United Arab Emirates” The 2nd Association of Asian Studies in Asia Annual Conference 2015 (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
2015. 3. 27 “Taking Risks for Godsend Opportunity: Filipino “Visitors” Working in Dubai” Association for Asian Studies (AAS) Annual Conference 2015 (Sheraton Chicago, USA)
2015. 3. 1 “Migration, Religion, and Transformation of Intimate Relations among Filipina Domestic Workers in Dubai and Doha” International Workshop on “Intimate Lives of Intimate Laborers” (Co-author: Akiko Watanabe) (Waseda University)
2014. 9.19 “Filipino Middle Class, Voluntary Associations, and the Morality of Helping in Gulf Cities”Academic Workshop in Kyoto The Arab Gulf States: Authoritarian Regimes and Expatriate (Center for Integrated Area Studies, Kyoto University)
2014. 9.11 “Community-based Disaster Resilience? : Sustainability in Typhoon-affected Areas in the Philippines ”The 5th Joint Symposium between Chiang Mai University and Kagawa University 2014 :“Healthy Aging and Sustainable Society”(Chiang Mai University,Thailand)
2014. 8.26 “Religious Conversions of Filipino Workers in the Arab Gulf region and the Transformation of Intimate Spheres”IAS Seminar Series (Institute of Asian Studies, Universiti Brunei Darussalam)
2014. 3.31 “Filipino Middle Class and their Diasporic Identitiy in the United Arab Emirates:The Case of Filipino Nurse Association” International Workshop on "The Road Less Travelled: Mobility in Southeast Asian Societies"(Institute of Asian Studies, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam)
2014. 3. 1 “Filipino Workers in Volunteer Groups and their Diasporic Identity in the United Arab Emirates”, PHILIPPINE STUDIES CONFERENCE IN JAPAN (PSCJ) (Kyoto University)
2013.10.12 “Creating a ‘New Home’ Away from Home: Religious Conversions of Filipina Domestic Workers in Dubai and Doha”, 47th Middle Eastern Studies Association (MESA) Annual Meeting (Co-author: Akiko Watanabe) (Sheraton Hotel, New Orleans )
2013. 8.27 “Religious Conversion as Survival Strategies?: Cases of Filipino Domestic Workers in Gulf Cities” International Workshop on Gulf Migration (Co-author: Akiko Watanabe) (Conference Hall, Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India.)
2012. 9.19 “International Migration of Healthcare Workers: Social Impact of the Outflow of Nurses on Philippine Society”The Fourth Kagawa University-Chiang Mai University Joint Symposium 2012:“Healthy Aging and Sustainable Society”(Kagawa University,Japan)
2011. 3. 3 “Filipino Workers in Dubai: Strategies and Realities” International Workshop on Overseas Filipino Workers in UAE: Transformation of Policies and Actual Conditions Crown Plaza Abu Dhabi Hotel, U.A.E.
2010.12.22 “2008: ‘Open City’  A New Wave of Filipino Migration to the Middle East” International Workshop on “Asia Inside Out: Period” Robert Black College, The University of Hong Kong
2010. 8.24 “International student movements at country and institutional levels -with special focus on CMU and KU- ”The 3rd Joint Symposium between Chiang Mai University and Kagawa University (Co-authors: Lrong Lim; Toru Takamizu; Mika Shioi; and Ai Shoraku)(Chiang Mai University,Thailand)
2010. 7. 2 “Border Control and Filipino Expatriates Pursing ‘Dubai Dream’” The 2010 Exeter Gulf Studies Conference: The 21st-Century Gulf: The Challenge of Identity. Centre for Gulf Studies, Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter, U.K.
2009.10.27 “How Do Filipino Nurses and Caregivers Do “Cross-country” in the World?” CAPAS-CSEAS 2009 International Symposium on “Maritime Links and Transnationalism in Southeast Asia: Past and Present”(Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
2007.11.23 “Exchange and Reciprocity among Homo Mobilitas: A View from a Samar Village” Toyo University International Workshop "A Preliminary Study on Transnational Communities in Asian Peripheries: Perspectives from Comparative Area Studies" Hakusan Campus, Toyo University, Japan.
2007. 8. 2 “The Sense of Pamilya from a Migrant-Source Village of the Philippines” International Convention of Asia Scholars 5 “Sharing a Future in Asia” (Kuala Lumpur Convention Center, Malaysia)
2006.11.12 “Bringing Home ‘Luck’: Socio-cultural Dimensions of Migration from Samar Island, Philippines” Kyoto Symposium 2006 “Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries and Re-visioning Area Studies” (Yoshida Main Campus, Kyoto University, Japan)
1993.10.31 “Gendered International Division of Labour: A Case of Filipino Women in the Japanese Entertainment Industry” International Conference “Asia in the 1990s: Meeting and Making a New World”(Queen’s University at Kingston, Canada)

Research Projects

●Ethnographic Studies on the Filipino Migrants in the UAE: Life Stories and Lived Experiences in Long Sojourn (FY2023-2025: 23H03624), Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences (JSPS) Project, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (Project Leader: Naomi Hosoda)
●Empirical Analyses of the Transformation of International Labor Migration under Immigration Policies of Sending Countries (FY2020-2023: 20H04415), Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences (JSPS) Project, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (Project Leader: Yuka Kodama)
●多民族・多宗教国家マレーシアにおける移民の社会統合――宗教の互助機能に着目して(FY2020-2023: 20H04408), Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences (JSPS) Project, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (Project Leader: Kaori Shinozaki)
●Migration Highway in Asia: Choice of Migrants under short-term immigration system (FY2020-2024: 20H00042), Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences (JSPS) Project, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) (Project Leader: Masaki Matsuo)
Long-Time Temporariness and the Quest for Citizenship: A Study of Second-Generation Asian Gulf Migrants (FY2018-2020: 18H00784), Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences (JSPS) Project Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (Project Leader: Naomi Hosoda)
●Immigrants and Social Integration of Multi-ethnic Malaysian Society: Case of Migrant Workers from Neighboring Countries of Southeast Asia (FY2016-2019: 16H03317), Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences (JSPS) Project, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (Project Leader: Kaori Shinozaki)
New “Plural Society: A Study on Inter-ethnic Relations Focusing on Migrants in the Arab Gulf States” (FY2014-
  2017)Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences (JSPS) Project (A) (Project Leader: Masako Ishii)
●Social Base of Care in the Southeast Asia: Focusing on Dynamic Practices Based on “Relatedness”
  Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences (JSPS) Project (A) (Project Leader: Yoko Hayami)
“Ethnic Relations of Expatriate Workers: A Gulf Model”(FY2011-2013)
  Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences (JSPS) Project(B) (Project Leader: Naomi Hosoda)
●Anthropological Studies on Multiple Game Situations in Southeast Asia” (FY2009-2011)
   Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) (Project Leader: Takashi Sugishima)
●“Filipino Diasporas in an Open City in the Gulf States” (FY2008-2010)
   Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (Project Leader: Naomi Hosoda)
“Sasakawa Peace Foundation Project ‘Global Demographic Change and Labor Migration in Asia’” (FY 2008-
●“Global COE Program ‘In Search of Sustainable Humanosphere in Asia and Africa’” (FY2007-FY2011)
   Kyoto University (Program Leader: Kaoru Sugihara)
●“Research on Non-Traditional Security Issues in East Asia” (FY2007-2010)
   Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) (Project Leader: Patricio N. Abinales)
“JSPS Core University Program Social Science Region Making in East Asia ‘Project 8: Changing ‘Families’ in
    Asia’” (FY2005-FY2008)

   (Project Leader: Yoko Hayami)
●“Inter-Regional Comparative Studies on Frontier Societies” (FY1999-FY2001)
   Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (Project Leader: Koji Tanaka)
