The 5th Philippine Studies Conference in Japan
Date: November 27, 2022
Venue: Komaba Campus,The University of Tokyo
Session Program:
Panel 7c: Transnational Generations in the Gulf and Beyond: Precarity, Temporariness, and the Search for Belonging | ||
Chair: Akiko Watanabe (Bunkyo University) | ||
1 | Naomi HOSODA Nagasaki University, Japan |
Localities,‘citizenship', and coping strategies of OFW children raised in UAE cities |
2 | Akiko WATANABE Bunkyo University, Japan |
“We are a black sheep”: the priviledgeness and immobilities of young Filipino-Kuwaiti second-generations of bicultural families |
3 | Kyoko MATSUKAWA Konan University, Japan |
The perpetuated “in-betweenness” experienced by Gulf-born NRIs: Analysis of Cases in Kuwait |
4 | Mari NORBAKK Chr. Michelsen Institute, Norway |
Belonging as familiarity: the bitterness of permanent temporariness among Qatar-born Egyptians |
5 | Hector B. MORADA Polytechnic University of the Philippines |
Comments on Transnational Generation |
International Workshop on Migration and Citizenship Quests: Transnational Generations in the Gulf and Beyond
Date: November 6, 2022
Venue: AA447, Research Bldg. No.2, Main Campus, Kyoto University
2020 Forth Study Meeting(移民とシティズンシップ研究会2020年度第4回研究会)
13:30-14:45 Transnational Generationに関する文献紹介
14:45-15:15 Transnational Generationsの概念に関連する研究動向
15:15-15:45 出版打ち合わせ
15:45-16:00 総括
2020 Third Study Meeting(移民とシティズンシップ研究会2020年度第3回研究会)
The 5th Annual International Conference of the Gulf Studies Center, Qatar University: “Social Change in the Gulf Societies in the 21st Century”
Date: 15–19 November 2020
Venue: Qatar University, Doha, Qatar (オンライン)
Organizer: Gulf Studies Center, Qatar University, Qatar
Session Program:
Session 9: Transnational Generations in Gulf-1 ( 9:00-10:30 am, Thursday, 19 Nov. 2020) | ||
Chair: Zahara Babar, Georgetown University, Doha, Qatar | ||
1 | Naomi HOSODA Nagasaki University, Japan |
Transnationalism and Intersectionality: Views and Experiences of Second-Generation Filipino Youth in UAE Cities |
2 | Kyoko MATSUKAWA Konan University, Japan |
The Dilemma of Being Gulf-born NRIs: An Analysis of Cases in Kuwait |
3 | Akiko WATANABE Bunkyo University, Japan |
Privileged but Immobile: Citizenship and Career Path of the Youths of Bicultural Families in Kuwait |
4 | Omar Bortolazzi American University in Dubai |
Emerging Transnational Identities: Indian Skilled Migration in the UAE |
Session 10: Transnational Generations in Gulf-2 (11:00-12:30 am, Thursday, 19 Nov. 2020) | ||
Chair: Md Mizanur Rahman, Qatar University | ||
1 | Yusuke NAKAJIMA Osaka Ohtani University, Japan |
Motives for Choosing to Study in International Branch Campuses in Qatar: Focusing on Nationalities in “National-minority States” |
2 | Manami GOTO Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan |
Expressing Identity through the Dressed Body: Iranian Migrants in the Gulf |
3 | Anisur Rahman Jamia Millia Islamia, India |
Indian second generation in the GCC States |
4 | Sumiko YAMAMOTO Toyo University, Japan Rohan D’SOUZA Kyoto University, Japan |
Comments on transnational generations |
2020 Second Study Meeting(移民とシティズンシップ研究会2020年度第2回研究会)
内容:The 5th Annual International Conference of the Gulf Studies Center, Qatar Universityでの報告打ち合わせ
2020 First Study Meeting(移民とシティズンシップ研究会2020年度第1回研究会)
2019 Third Study Meeting(移民とシティズンシップ研究会2019年度第3回研究会)
日時: 2020年1月12日(日)13:00~17:00
場所: 大阪府大阪市淀川区宮原1丁目3-20 新大阪ステーションビル306
13:00~13:10 Introduction (Naomi Hosoda)
13:10~13:50 The Dilemma of being Gulf-born NRIs: An Analysis of Cases in Kuwait (Kyoko Matsukawa)
14:00~14:40 Immobile but Privileged: Citizenship and Career Choice among the Second Generations of International Marriage Families in Kuwait (Akiko Watanabe)
14:50~15:30 Transnationalism and Intersectionality: Views and Experiences of Second Generation Filipino Migrants in UAE Cities (Naomi Hosoda)
15:40~16:20 Motives for Choosing to Study in International Branch Campuses in Qatar: Focusing on Nationalities in “National-minority States” (Yusuke Nakajima)
16:20~17:00 Discussion on Workshop in Qatar University and Research Plan for AY2020
2019 Second Study Meeting(移民とシティズンシップ研究会2019年度第2回研究会)
日時: 2019年10月20日(日)12:00~17:30
場所: 新橋駅前ビル1号館6階エジソン会議室
12:00~13:00 今後の予定について
13:00~14:30 報告(東京大学東洋文化研究所・白石奈津子)
14:40~15:20 構想発表1(渡邉暁子)
15:20~16:00 構想発表2(松川恭子)
16:10~16:50 構想発表3(細田尚美)
16:50~17:30 構想発表4(中島悠介)
2019 First Study Meeting(移民とシティズンシップ研究会2019年度第1回研究会)
日時: 2019年5月18日(土)12:00~17:00
場所: 甲南大学ネットワークキャンパス東京講義室A
12:00~13:00 クウェート、UAE調査報告と今年度の予定について
13:00~13:30 文献レビュー1(松川恭子)
13:30~14:00 文献レビュー2(渡邉暁子)
14:10~14:40 文献レビュー3(細田尚美)
14:40~15:10 文献レビュー4(中島悠介)
16:30~17:30 報告(東京外国語大学/エクセター大学・後藤真実)
2018 Third Study Meeting(移民とシティズンシップ研究会2018年度第3回研究会)
日時: 2019年1月27日(日)11:45~16:45
場所: 文教大学湘南キャンパス事務棟4階第3会議室
11:45~12:45 クウェート合同調査ならびに来年度の予定
13:00~13:30 文献レビュー1(松川恭子)
13:30~14:00 文献レビュー2(渡邉暁子)
14:00~14:30 文献レビュー3(細田尚美)
14:30~15:00 文献レビュー4(中島悠介)
15:15~16:45 報告(東洋大学社会学部・山本須美子)
2018 Second Study Meeting(移民とシティズンシップ研究会2018年度第2回研究会)
日時: 2018年10月20日(土)
場所: 甲南大学岡本キャンパス10号館7階社会学科調査準備室
13:00-13:40 今後の科研の進め方について
13:40~14:30 文献レビュー1(松川恭子)
14:40~15:30 文献レビュー2(渡邉暁子)
15:30~16:20 文献レビュー3(細田尚美)
16:30~17:30 報告(京都女子大学現代社会学部・工藤正子)
日時: 2018年6月2日(土)・3日(日)
場所: 弘前大学総合教育棟(文京町地区)
2018 First Study Meeting(移民とシティズンシップ研究会2018年度第1回研究会)
Date: May 12, 2018
Venue: AA401, Research Bldg. No.2, Main Campus, Kyoto University
13:30-14:00 Project outline and tentative plan
14:00-16:30 Self-introduction and research theme
16:30-17:30 Discussion